Customer reviews
We Love Lundahl Transformers. We have together with Lundahl innovated new products and over the years we never had anything go wrong with transformers from Lundahl. They are the best on the market. We have had many satisfied customers of our The Ortofon ST-70 MC transformer with high quality Lundahl™ transformers inside.
OrtofonDovydas Vaitkus 
"For many years, we have been purchasing Transformers from Per Lundahl and his company. We take pride in incorporating Lundahl quality into our ARNE INTEGRATED AMP. Lundahl, for us, represents high quality and exceptional production."
Lars EngströmCEO 
"For us there is no other than Lundahl Transformers. Always great service, good innovation, great Craftmanship and the Scandinavian high quality. In our most flexible player yet, LUMIN P1 that are designed to sit right in the heart of the audio system, we use Lundahl Transformers.
LUMINProduct manager 
Lundahl Transformers- beautiful sound, beautiful construction and manufactured to very high standards. Whether the transformer is custom made or off-the-shelf, Lundahl delivers!
McGary AudioMike, founder